miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Part two

a. What are some of the potential benefits of charging fees for and/or banning plastic bags?
Charging a fee for plastics bags means that people would be in some way forced to use other type of bags, specially because nobody likes to loose theyre money
b. What are some of the potential drawbacks of such programs?
The mayor problem with all this is that goverment dosent take the program seriously and stop taking care of it.
c. Which benefits and drawbacks seem the most compelling? Why?
I can´t tell. One thing I know very well is that everythig has the quality of being very good or very bad. Im saying these because evrything of what I have read says that this a great way to prevent that plastic bagss keep affecting our world, but since this subject has been involved with politics, I woulndt say any of the is more compellign than the other.
d. Would you support a local law charging fees for (or banning) plastic bags? Why or why not?
I would as long as it was take under the control of an specific organization that is related to this, this way no politicians that are interested in gaining popularity can use it in thaeir benefit.

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